Friary Car Park Permits are subsidised Car Parking facilities for Parishioners of the Crawley Catholic Parish - applicants must be registered Parishioners of the Parish. Please note:
A separate application is required for each vehicle;
Minimum recommended donation for new application is £75;
Minimum donation for renewal is £65;
New Permit Applicants and Permit Renewals will be validated against the Parish database;
You may be asked to complete the New Parishioner Form as part of the Application / Renewal process;
The Parish reserve the right to reject any applications;
Barrier Cards will only be allocated or renewed once the Parish Office have completed all checks and applicant's donation has been received;
Donations can be made by Cheque and handed in to the Parish Office Reception on Mondays only between 11.00 am and 1.00 pm or at the Friary Presbytery (in an envelope addressed to Car Park with your name and Car Registration Number and put through the letterbox) - Cheques should be made payable to St Francis & St Anthony Church.
Completed applications will be validated and processed by the Parish Office and you will be contacted if there is an issue with the application.
Car Park Permit - Terms and Conditions
1. Barrier Cards are non-transferable and access to the Car Park is restricted for use with only the vehicle registered to the Barrier Card;
2. If you change vehicle, please contact the Crawley Parish Office with details in order that the Permit and Barrier Card database can be updated;
3. Please contact the Crawley Parish Office at in the event that you lose your Barrier Card. A minimum suggested donation of £10 to cover the administration costs of cancelling the old card on the system and acquiring, re-programming and allocating a new Barrier Card.
4. Allocation of a Barrier Card does not guarantee a parking space;
5. Parking Permit Holders are restricted to a maximum parking period of 3 hours - NO ALL DAY PARKING PERMITTED.
6. Parking Permit Holders must Park carefully and within the white lines of each parking bay
7. Strictly no parking outside of the Presbytery or Garages;
8. The Parish reserve the right to apply Parking Restrictions including limited or no access to the Friary Car Park from time to time and often at short notice. Typically, Parking Restrictions will be applied on the following occasions (but not limited to):
- Church Events
- Funerals
- Weddings
- Holy Days of Obligation
- Feast Days
- Pastoral Hall Events
9. Parking Permit Holders are reminded and asked to avoid Parking in the Car Park shortly before and during weekday and weekend Masses, if not attending Mass. In the event of a Funeral, strictly no parking for Shoppers until after the Funeral.
10. Parking in the Car park is at the owner's risk and no liability will be accepted by the Parish
or Diocese for damages to vehicles and their contents, loss or injury to drivers, passengers, third parties.
11. Regular checks will be made - the Parish reserve the right to cancel Barrier Cards and
access to the Friary Car Park if Permit Holders fail to comply with the Friary Car Park Terms and Conditions.
Paper Application Form
If you wish to submit a paper application for a Car Park Permit, you can do so by downloading and printing the Application Form below.
Once you have completed this form, please hand it into the Parish Office Reception or Friary Presbytery with your accompanying Cheque - Cheques should be made payable to St Francis & St Anthony Church.
You can donate after you submit the form, click the tab below, click continue and scroll down to Pay as Guest
Thank you for your generosity and support